How To Become a Steward of St. Basil Parish
IMPORTANT: There are two steps to complete when becoming a St. Basil Steward:
1. Fill out a Stewardship Commitment Card for the current year - your pledge card does not "roll over" each year.
2. Use the link below to set up your electronic Stewarship commitment payment (you may also choose to pay by check).
St. Basil Giving Plan
"Let everyone give as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly, nor under compulsion, for God loves the man that gives cheerfully."
(11 Cor. 9:7)
Giving Guidelines:
1) 2% -10% of one’s annual income. The concept of tithing is found in various places in Scripture (ie: Genesis 14:20; Numbers 18:21; Malachi 3:8; Matthew 23:23).
2) $1 per week per $1,000 of annual income
3) Exceeding contributions made to hobbies, memberships, sports tickets, TV services, etc.
"Your Own from Your Own"
If you already have a recurring payment but would like to change the amount, you may do so below.
When we Bless God with Our Money, He Blesses Us with the Things Money Can't Buy
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowldeges accountabiity, reverence, and responsibility before God. Becomming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him.
Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the gifts with which they have been blessed.
Every time we make an offering to God - big or small - He honors our sacrifice. We give mercifully so that the money is transfigured for a more glorious purpose. We give generously because it is transformative for the soul.